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Cocon Bouquiere
19 Rue Bouquiere, Bordeaux, France
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Grosse Cloche de Bordeaux0.13kmTour Pey-Berland0.47kmTram Station
Place du Palais Station0.19kmStation Sainte-Catherine Tram de Bordeaux0.23kmStation Porte de Bourgogne Tram de Bordeaux0.36kmHotel de Ville Station0.45kmVictoire Tram Station0.63kmGrand Theatre Station0.70kmBordeaux Tramway0.71kmGate
Porte Cailhau0.30kmSquare
Vinet Square0.31kmPlace de la Bourse0.54kmPlace de la Victoire0.68kmPlace de la Comedie0.71kmChurch
Eglise Saint-Pierre0.36kmBasilica of St Michael Bordeaux0.51kmSaint Joseph Orthodox Church0.58kmMuseum
Musee d'Aquitaine0.36kmNational Customs Museum0.49kmCentre National Jean Moulin0.59kmMuseum of Ethnography0.63kmMusee des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux0.81kmTrain Station
Musee d'Aquitaine Station0.38kmPlace de la Bourse Station0.54kmGambetta Tram Station0.75kmSynagogue
Grande Synagogue de Bordeaux0.38kmShopping Area
Rue Sainte-Catherine0.45kmChapel
Spiritains Chapel0.51kmCathedral
Bordeaux Cathedral0.55kmUniversity
University of Bordeaux 10.56kmNeighbourhood
Capucins - Victoire0.57kmHotel de Ville - Quinconces0.71kmHistoric Site
Hotel de Ville City Hall0.57kmBridge
Pont de Pierre0.64kmFountain
Miroir d'eau0.66kmMonument
Palais de Justice de Bordeaux0.68kmOpera House
Grand Theatre de Bordeaux0.69kmTheatre
Opera National de Bordeaux0.71kmCityCentre
Bordeaux City Centre0.71kmTown Hall
Palais Rohan0.72kmLooking for a hotel for your Workation?
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